Tuesday, April 16, 2013

That one time, last year...

A long time ago, and by that I mean like four months ago, we went to Philly. I'm pretty sure I posted about Rob and Em's Christmas party, which was our reason for being there to begin with, but we also spent the weekend wandering around the historic district of Philadelphia as well. We had a ton of fun and snapped a ton of pictures (we also have pictures from disposable cameras) and I would definitely go back. 

What follows is a very photo heavy post, I would apologize, but what are you all here for if not to know and see every detail of our lives???

We started with the liberty bell. Cuz, duh.

Then we went and got tickets for liberty square. And picked up/mailed some postcards to some of you lovely folks. 

It was kind of awesome being in a building with SO much history. Plus our tour guide was awesome. 

We then wandered around for a bit taking pictures of random Philly details before meeting up with Rob and Em and friends for brunch. 

Ben featured very heavily in the decor.

There were BUCKETS of statues.

We went to National Mechanics for brunch. It was pretty tasty, and they featured a drink called a him-mosa that was very popular with our brunch companions.

After brunch the walked us to the Betsy Ross house and we learned about the flag maker. Unfortunately Betsy herself was out to lunch, which I thought was a bit of a jip. But it was still fun! The cat statues out front might have been the best part.

We ended our long walk around town with a stroll through the completely packed Love Park. 


I then made Taylor drive and pay 12 dollars for parking by the Rocky Statue, because its FREAKING AWESOME!

Overall a lovely trip. A little chilly, but fun! So there you have it, if you made it through all of our pictures then I salute you! Slowly I will make it through my backlog of photos to bring everything up to date!

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