We brought THREE truckloads of plants from Mom's house over to our house and stuck them all in the ground. Mom is the plant whisperer, so you can't even tell we had taken that many from her yard, she has soooooooo many left.
Poor Taylor also dug up two truckloads of monkey grass to take to the new house my parentals just bought. It was impressive how much of this stuff was growing in our yard. I really really hate monkey grass, so I was glad to see it go. We had to cut pretty much everything back when we replanted it, but next year it should look glorious, and this year once we get some mulch in it will definitely be an improvement. I am sad I don't have more before pictures. But above you can see what the front garden looked like, it is pretty much the only part of our property that gets sun, so naturally we turned it into a rose garden.
This is obviously a head on shot of the house. Yes, our yard looked sad and pathetic. I have NO pictures of the garden to the right of the house or behind the drive way...but here's what it all looks like now!
Look at that crazy change! Its okay, I'll wait for you to scroll up and down again a few times. We took out a gross holly bush, and planted buckets of hostas, hydrangeas, and astilbe. There's also random ground cover in there.
The plantings continue around the side of the house and next to the driveway. More hydrangeas, hostas, astilbe, but also bleeding hearts and ground cover. And a foxglove and hollyhock!
The front garden looks a little rough right now, and definitely needs some mulch, but there are like five rose bushes, a bucketload of mallow, lambs ear, and ground cover in here. It will be GORGEOUS next year. (If you compare it to the third picture in this post it looks gorgeous now.) And we stuck some more bleeding heart by a clump of day-lilies at the base of the tree.
We still have a TON of iris to plant, we'll put them between the rose garden and the tree above to make a large cohesive front garden plot. And then we'll get some mulch in and be done with it. Now we just have to make sure to water it all constantly and keep them alive.
Props to Taylor for the massive amount of digging he did, and thanks to Mom for all the plants, the layout, and the constant teaching she did. (Plus digging, she did a lot of digging too.)
Its kind of like we're real people with a yard and all!
What did you all do this weekend?
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