Yay for weekends right?? Here are the highlights of this past weekend.
Went to Secco with Dad for restaurant week. Between the three of us we ordered everything on the menu. It was delicious and I would go back and do it all over again.Ate froyo...a lot. And bubble tea!
Taylor dug out two of the three holly bushes around the house. Holly bushes are the devil. I don't understand why people plant them.
Visited Clair at the new restaurant Portrait House. The food was delicious and we felt cool knowing the bartender.
I kind of developed a baby bump. Except not really. And only after I eat something. Mostly I just look fat.
Taylor's family visited the house. Sadly I was at work, but I am sure they had a glorious time.
I finally planted the mint!
Taylor obsessively reseeded the front lawn, I'm pretty sure he's going to make grass grow by sheer force of will.
We went estate-saleing with me mum. Saw a house that basically had a forest of azaleas. Gorgeous.
I caught up on Lost Girl and started watching Defiance. Yay for the syfy channel and the parentals paying for cable.
Tay and I spent far too many hours playing Candy Crush on our phones.
Started making a video with Connor.
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